August 29, 2007

Photoshooting @ Sentosa!


Looking fwd to the shoot on the next next Sat..
who needs a lousy studio to create our makeover album?

weeee \(^-^)/...
(but tell u secretly.. i think i more lookin fwd to the sun, water, bikini girls and muscular hunks on the beach.. hehe


August 26, 2007

JB 'so called' tai tai trip

Some Saturday...
Had my fav lasagne at Vivo@City Square, JB.. not tasty, but I enjoyed the salad thou.. hoho..

看了照片后发现:现在,好朋友分享的不止是食物,也是同个照相的pose :P

第一次去美甲,不习惯别人帮忙刷脚的我,身体四肢有点僵硬。心想,幸好前天晚上修了修脚指,所以还不至于臭得熏死人。不过那小姐在闪过我无数个因痕痒而反抗的连环踢后,竟然把我脚刷破皮!太勤快了吧你,我的脚像芋头吗?!hmm~~ 不知那样有没有折扣啊?呵呵...

之后外面下起了大雨,我们只好留在holiday plaza吃Pizza Hut :(

"Kids eat for free!!! meaning I can eat for free?", Hell no :P

不知道为什么我们一直在吃,因为后来我们还去了Secret Recipes吃蛋糕。看到名牌不舍得买,然后再逛到饿了后两手空空找吃的,没钱的太太大概就只能过这样的生活吧。下次如果再来JB,我倒想去mamak >.<


August 24, 2007


小小回顾一下,不久前我刚做好了一个webbie - (best view in I.E.)
那是一个类似DOTA的新网上游戏。不玩game的我也说不上好不好玩 :)




August 18, 2007

board game cafe

ready to fight

Wow.. went to this small cafe hidden somewhere near chinatown n clark quey, amazed by the young crowds, and fell for the thousand interesting board games that they provided.


alvin, noel, gerald n peipei

Adrian (who juz recover from sickness), peipei, chuanlei & me, in case u dun recognize :P

happy family


1) louis: "wah, how to play like that?!" , the rest: "Hoho, prepare for the punishment~~"
2) "must CONCENTRATE!!!"
3) "oh no! dun fallllllllllll....................."
4) "呜呜呜... 不甘心...."

our fav game - Gemblo

现在的商家脑筋动得很快,搜集所有有趣的游戏供顾客边吃边玩,还有侍者在旁解说游戏,让人仿佛回到学生时代。套荣的一句话:“BOBIAN le ma~~", 所以即使原本不喜欢这些游戏,到了那里一定会被愉快的气氛感染,结果玩得很开心。


- - - - -

“一起啦~”,-.- 真不知他们在坚持什么,“好啦好啦,我换啦,来盘chicken chop吧~”


- - - - -

啊~又是另一个满足的星期五 :)
如果想知道那天还发生什么事,请refer here.


August 14, 2007

I miss my dogs &.. donuts..

Seriously, I'd been wondering what's it - look like a big blue shit from the view of hp screen. After realising it's a dog.. still can't rem when n where I did tk this shot.

tsk.. anyway. isn't it cute? ^^

ar ar~~ it's the cute doggie that I saw at Chua chu kang.. a playgrd near my sis's place.. :D
argh.. I miss my dogs...

Some Weekday.
OT as usual, den found 2 orange boxes of the wonderful treat while on the way to pantry...... It's the infamous donuts from the Donuts Factory!

u all should heard of this place, pple Q-ing for more than 1 hour juz for these 2 boxes of fried dough.. tried it b4.. lucky me.. nv queue but the donuts keep coming to me.. ha! no matter wht ur say, no matter whc ABC donuts u compare to.. im absolutely LOVE IT!!

Adrian ^^


August 11, 2007

Spore national day Eve


“Ladies night!!!”

就这么一句不经意,顺着话尾的提议,在没有心理准备,没有时间精心打扮下,我们这群‘午餐党’就出现在了满满人群的St.James Power Station。又是PowerHouse,如果我告诉你我几乎不曾去过(如果经过不算的话)著名的Dragonfly,你会不会骂我noob? D:


before 'seh'...

starting goes crazy

the design team

the gals with a niang :3

I didn't know the guys can be so gay -.- hard gay

*Updated, 2 pics :Xx
what a face..


美中不足的是当晚的音乐,不是我们平常爱的theme (看上面的照片就知道啦)。多亏了这架小小的相机,让每个人沉迷于拍照而忽略这缺点。

hmm.. 还是单纯因为工作太累?


lovely drunk lady

August 09, 2007

long long ago...


hmm...... 应该是新年期间吧,因为是和poly的朋友捞鱼生叙旧那晚拍的。忘了谈些什么(因为我迟到很久 :Xx),只记得食物很好吃,哈!大概是饿了吧。

(左起:teng & gf, laode & gf, apple, shan, me & tarts)

tarts new hair cut, look nerd still.. haha!

那天好象是Zouk Club launch party, XL有很多invitation card ^^


the 'gays' :P
看到工作人员头上的箭头?好可爱 ^^


August 05, 2007



saturday movie..
den sushi lunch..
n a missed sentosa trip..
sunday roller blade..
the party quest..
wednesday dinner at marche..
dinner at geylang..
friday KTV..

i admit i'm playful.. my fav game is truth or dare.. but i'm definitely fine without all these.. dun be surprise by my crazy ideas, cos i tot the outing was intended to have some fun?